Acorn Capital Development, LLC is a real estate development and investment firm based out of Jersey City, New Jersey. We house a portfolio of owned/co-owned and developed/co-developed properties from duplexes to mixed-use apartment buildings. Our expertise in the affordable housing arena includes more than twenty years’ experience at the helm of several large housing authorities including Pittsburgh, PA, and the Newark Housing Authority (the largest housing authority in New Jersey).
Projects were created through utilizing a wide array of development sources including, but not limited to, 9% and 4% tax credits, tax exempt bond equity, HUD, CFFP, FHA and RHF funds. Acorn is currently involved in several joint ventures developing larger projects in and around New Jersey with a concentration in Essex, Hudson, and Passaic Counties.
Acorn’s vision is to create high-quality and diverse mixed-income developments that invite residents to live, work, and play in close-proximity environments. To achieve this effort, we focus on opportunity zones, urban enterprise zones and various financing strategies to create meaningful planned developments.